Orange County Christian Preschool
Campus Information
Our Purpose
To provide a service to the families and children of our community.
To support the values found in a Christian home.
To foster learning and to allow the child to associate with other children of his/her own age in group activities.
To provide an environment that is safe and conducive to good health; a place where children can assemble, work and play together while being guided toward a happy, wholesome, spiritual development.
To provide a place where all are welcome regardless of race, color, or religion.
To provide a flexible program where children can be assisted in the learning processes

2yr. Old Class
Beginning math skills- Counting, shapes, sorting
Songs and games that develop language skills
Group activities that encourage social skill development- empathy, sharing, and turn taking
Academic 3yr. Old Class
Located at a separate campus, Orange County Christian School is a private, non-profit Christian school providing academic programs for Kindergarten through 12th Grade.
OC Preschool Resources
Learning Activities
A time of outdoor play on equipment suitable to his/her age
Supervised games
Creative arts & crafts
Science and nature observations
Rhythm and music
Sharing experiences
Story times
Bible/Chapel time
Onsite field trips
Extra Curricular Activities and Services
Parent Resource Room: A direct connection between the school and family. You will find important announcements, monthly calendars, menus and free magazines.
Extra-Curricular Activities: Your child can join any of our excellent programs including Gymnastics and also Tap & Ballet through the Cathleen Forcucci Academy.
Chapel: Children experience a group chapel time every Friday morning with dramatized stories, performed by the children, and singing to Hillsongs music.
Special Days: Here are a few examples of the special events we have on campus throughout the school year: Harvest Festival, Thanksgiving picnic, Christmas program, Jump Your Heart Out ( bounce house and double slide on campus) New Years Costume Party and class parties for all major holidays. At Orange County Christain School we are very patriotic and take every opportunity to show our support for our troops and military. The children make cards for our veterans in November and in December they make Christmas cards for the men and women serving our country over seas. We also support those who are needy in our community by having several canned food drives throughout the year!
Meet the Director

Director: Karen Knutson